Not that anyone particularly needs to know, but I love lists as much as I love books, so why not?

End the Fed
Jeeves and the Tie That Binds
The Theif
The Queen of Attolia
The King of Attolia
Whose Body?
Tuesdays with Morrie
The Man Who Was Thursday

Alex and Me
Crime & Punishment

Jane of Lantern Hill
Wuthering Heights
Locked Rooms and Open Doors
That Hideous Strength
A Conspiracy of Kings

Castle in the Air
Among the Shadows
The Doctor's Sweetheart & Other Stories
The Life of Henry the Fifth

The Innocence of Father Brown
The Wisdom of of Father Brown
Gifts Differing
The Incredulity of Father Brown
The Secret of Father Brown
The Wisconsin Story
The Scandal of Father Brown
The Great Divorce

The Princess and The Goblin
Our Mutual Friend
Do Hard Things
Start Here
The Tipping Point
Stepping Heavenward
Instead of Three Wishes
The Secret Adversary

Princess Ka'iulani
The Little Prince
The Amazing D. Randall MacRae
House of Many Ways
How Many Hills to Hillsboro?
As You Like It
The Master of Ballantrae

Gathering Blue
Don't Waste Your Life
1066 and All That
Partners in Crime
The Untold Story of the New Testament Church
The Merchant of Venice
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
The Screwtape Letters

And Then There Were None
Prince of Foxes
The Great Gatsby
Much Ado About Nothing
A Severe Mercy
Great Expectations

Quo Vadis?
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Flower and The Nettle

An English Woman's Love Letters
Pride & Prejudice

Ordeal by Innocence
Hearts & Masks
The Princess Elopes
The Bronze Bow
Daddy Long Legs
Ladycake Farm
The Woman in White
The Wasteland, Prufrock, & Other Poems
The Flying Inn
The Tempest