A few weeks ago, I came home one afternoon, and found this:

Having signed up for a lovely package exchange a few weeks before, I wasn't surprised, but very excited and delighted!

I was very much put to shame by the cleverness of the decorating on the box! Mine was not pretty. :)

Isn't it sweet?
First, some elegant and vintage
and fun (exactly to my taste!) little pockets.

Can you see the faces?
Underneath the flowers was an adorable cigar box! I love little boxes.

It was full of origami balloons and swans (I love origami, too!), and a vintage spool of thread, heart shaped box of bling, and a beautifully decorated clothespin.

The pin is made with real feathers, painted to look like little butterflies!

Labeled "For your little things." The pouch is about three inches wide, and has my initial on it. :)

And inside the little pouch was this:

Last, but most certainly not least:

Self explanatory and adorable. :)

Didn't Sara and Ben send me a splendid package?!